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Rule 4 - Self-advertising of any kind is not permitted without moderator approval. Case Dimensions: 453mm x 230mm x 466mm Maximum GPU Length: 360mm Maximum PSU Length: 180mm (220mm if HDD cage removed) Maximum CPU Cooler Height: 170mm Case. This includes referral links, including Amazon! Product links are fine affiliate or referral links that benefit you are not. Corsair 4000D & 4000D Airflow Case Reviews: Thermals, Noise, & Build Quality GamersNexus. Rule 3 - No buying/selling/trading in this subreddit. We’ve been sent three cases for review by Corsair: the 4000D, the 4000D Airflow, and the 4000X. 2.3 - Off-topic posts or comments concerning religion, politics, or drama.2.2 - Low effort content such as obvious reposts, or photos of unrelated products not relevant to CORSAIR or PC Gaming.Any comment that is overly negative, and provides nothing useful in terms of discussion or critique, is considered "bashing".
#Corsair 4000d airflow case software
2.1 - Posts or comments that are considered "Bashing" of users, or the hardware or software they use.Rule 2 - The following will be removed at moderator discretion: Remember, you can always submit a ticket through our online portal. Any other customer support posts will be removed.